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Montrose Recreation District Signs Resolution in Support of Efforts to Help Solve the Local Childcare Shortage

Morgan Lasher

Morgan Lasher

Jul 10, 2023

Mar 14, 2025

Montrose Recreation District Signs Resolution in Support of Efforts to Help Solve the Local Childcare Shortage

MONTROSE, Colorado — The Montrose Recreation District has passed a unanimous resolution in support of the Unify Montrose project to help solve the local childcare shortage.

In Montrose, there are three times more children than there are available, licensed childcare spots. According to the 2021 Montrose County Childcare Needs Assessment that was published, Montrose County is classified as a ‘childcare desert’. The local childcare shortage affects multiple aspects of daily life in Montrose, including the economy.

Unify America is driven to help Montrose residents find a solution through the Unify Montrose project. Unify Montrose is hosting a process starting this summer to review the childcare shortage issue and build solutions — led by residents. A large panel of Montrose neighbors, who represent all parts of the community, will review the facts, discuss the pros and cons of different solutions, and build an action plan.

"The serious shortage of childcare in Montrose impacts everything from public safety and healthcare to education and economic development. We are so appreciative of the support, endorsement, and contributions of the Montrose Recreation District to help solve the problem of this 'childcare desert.' Together, with leaders and neighbors from all parts of Montrose, we can protect our community and its next generation," says Sara Drury, a representative of the Unify Montrose project and Unify America's Executive Vice President of Deliberations and Community Problem-Solving.

To safeguard our community and our youngest generation, the Montrose Recreation District Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution stating they support, endorse, and will contribute to the Unify Montrose efforts.

Ready to read the full Community Report?

Download your copy of the full 96-page report on the Unify Montrose deliberation on childcare!


“The Montrose Recreation District is central to the vitality of our community, and as such plays a key role in the leadership toward forming solutions to continuously improve Montrose. Childcare, collaboration, and community focus are things we do well, and the Board and staff are enthused to play a role in this initiative that indeed will have long-ranging, generational impacts,” says Mari Steinbach, Executive Director of the MRD.

Local residents from all walks of life are encouraged to apply to be randomly chosen for the 64-member Community Panel. Applications can be submitted online at or via a direct mail piece that should arrive in mailboxes in July. The deadline to receive applications for the Community Panel is July 31. Selected panelists will be notified in August and paid for their time serving as a participant.

View the press release here.

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